Sherry 26th November 2015

Dad, i know and u know my head has been all over the place lately and i probably haven't been at my strongest, but i just want u to know that first and foremost, u are always on my mind! You are #1 on my mind! And you'll always be the #1 guy to me! Also, i was thinking that i hope u don't think your visits are becoming boring or tedious to me. Never think that, please! I look forward to your visits every Saturday the way i look forward to my next breath!! I don't take either for granted and am always relieved when i get it! If u visited even more, i would be ecstatic, but please know that the visits we do share are completely magical to me and leave me in awe with each one! Just like when u were here and i could see u, u still can do amazing things! Thank you for being here. And gracing me with your presence. (I know u like the way that last part was worded haha.) <3 Miss you always and love you always!